Home Groups & Prayer Trios
Home Groups
Home Groups are a vital part of life at St Mark’s and probably the best way to make friends, develop your gifts and ministry, and grow as a Christian.
There are a variety of small groups within St Mark’s; some meet for Bible study and prayer, some for fun and fellowship, some to serve the church or wider community. We would love to help you find one where you feel at home. Groups meet on various days and at various times:
Day |
Details |
Leader |
Location |
Venue |
Tuesday Evenings |
Frank Howard & Janet Waters |
Gillingham |
Leader's Home |
1st & 3rd Tuesday Evening |
Kath & Steve Burtrand |
Parkwood |
Leader's Home |
Ladies Group -
Wednesday mornings |
Jane Bannar-Martin |
Gillingham |
Old Vicarage |
Wednesday Evenings |
Jane and Richard Tolhurst |
Gillingham |
Old Vicarage |
Wednesday Evenings |
Paul Smith |
Gillingham |
Leader's Home |
Prayer Trios
A Trio is three people of the same sex, who meet weekly or fortnightly, online or in-person, to grow a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. It is easy to arrange to get together as there are only three people to consider. A Trio studies the Bible in much the same way as a Home Group but, as there are fewer people you may need less time, everyone can lead, make a contribution and grow in their commitment to God and others.
Key Elements of a Trio:
Shared Vision: a hunger to know and understand more of the Word, to be transformed into Christlikeness.
Commitment: making time in your diary and prioritising it.
Spirit Lead: The Bible is a living text, brought to life by the Holy Spirit. Inviting Him to speak each time you meet.
Honesty: Culturally our default position can be to critique and allow our opinions to drive/dictate our understanding However, the idea is to come to the scriptures honestly and allow the Bible to read us, to let the Holy Spirit highlight, reveal and convict. A healthy and transformative Trio also requires each member to be honest. Honest about your relationship with God and your desire to grow and be shaped by Him. This will require courage to be open to others in your Trio to keep you accountable to what God invites you to walk in through this process. This is one of the most exciting elements of being a part of a Trio, witnessing God at work in your life and those you are doing faith alongside!
Facilitate: each time you meet in your Trio there needs to be someone who will lead the discussion. Keeping the conversation anchored to the scripture, actively listening, asking open-ended questions and keeping an eye on the time. It can be a different member each time.
Review: Take some time to share what God has been up to since you last met, focussing on what your Trio were praying into.
Reading: It is often helpful to read the selected scripture a couple of times in different versions.
Ask the three questions:
What does this say about God?
What does this say about humanity?
If this is true, how will it shape how I live this week?
Prayer: Pray into what the Holy Spirit has revealed for each person and for an empowering to live out this revelation. Do so in an active posture, laying on of hands, listening to the Holy Spirit for words or images etc.
Schedule: Book in another time or plan the next months in advance.
Fellowship: Commit to pray for one another between meetings and encourage each other throughout the week or weeks in-between.
If you would like more information or join a Trio please contact or phone the office: 01634 570489